Saturday, September 24th, 5:00 PM

Host Annabelle Moseley welcomed the crowd and introduced Harris Becker, who performed delightful music on baroque guitar, an instrument beautiful to behold. Annabelle then introduced George Held and Barbara Novack, each of whom delighted the crowd. An intermission followed, and the mood was high-spirited and congenial, as books and CDs were sold, and the room was filled with conversation and laughter.

The second half of the evening began with the poetry of Barbara Novack, followed by George Held. Their poetry was polished and moving, and were resonant with themes of human relationships and the beauty of nature. Harris Becker concluded this portion of the evening on classical guitar, performing the U.S. debut of “Three Moods for Guitar” by Michael Frassetti.

The evening concluded with a particularly memorable open mic, inspired by George Held’s poem about the moon. Several open mic participants had ready their own moon poems, and a joyful lunacy ensued. NYSCA LogoHost Annabelle Moseley joined with her poem, “The Moon is a Lemon.”

Many thanks to all who made the evening so wonderful.

This event was funded in part by Poets and Writers, Inc. with public funds from New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.